[Image: AARC Logo]
Arlington Amateur Radio Club
Arlington County, Virginia USA

Weekly Net

The Arlington County Net

The Arlington County Net, co-sponsored by the Arlington Amateur Radio Club and Arlington County ARES/RACES, meets each non-third Tuesday night at 8:00 PM local / 2400 GMT on the W4WVP 2-meter repeater.

The net begins with the transmission of an information bulletin of interest to all amateur radio operators such as Amateur Radio Newsline, ARRL Audio News, or The RAIN Report, followed by station check-ins.

All licensed amateurs are invited to check into the net.

Club members are encouraged to volunteer to serve as Net Control Station (NCS) for the weekly net and to transmit the information bulletin.

If you would like to volunteer to serve as a NCS, please contact one of the club officers or volunteer during the monthly club meeting.

You will need a sound card interface such as the SignaLink USB with the apporpriate audio interface cable for your specific radio, an interface cable for computer rig control between your radio and your computer, and a software program capable of playing the informational bulletin sound file.

A sample net script is listed below.

Net Preamble

This is [call sign], net control for this evening's edition of the Arlington County Net.  

The Arlington County Net meets every non-third Tuesday at 8:00 PM local time and begins with a news bulletin transmission.

The net meets on the W4WVP 2-meter repeater. Set your radio to 145.470 MHz receive, 144.870 MHz transmit, with a subaudible tone of 107.2 Hz to participate in the net. 

The net is co-sponsored by the Arlington Amateur Radio Club and Arlington County ARES/RACES.

The purpose of the net is to practice controlled net procedures for use in emergencies and to keep the amateur community informed of ham radio activities in and around Arlington, Virgina.

All stations are invited to participate in tonight’s net, and all operators and listeners are welcome to our meetings.

For the latest information about our meetings, visit the club website, www.w4wvp.org .


After the preamble, ask for check-ins with name, callsign in ITU phonetics, and location.

Ask for check-ins in the following order:

    Stations that are are mobile or short-time (ask for comments before proceeding);
    Stations that have traffic (i.e., announcements, information, questions);
    All Other stations.

Go through the list in above order for their traffic, comments, etc...

Take breaks for check-ins; re-identify the net every 10 minutes.

When all topics are exhausted, say, "With thanks to the Arlington Amateur Radio Club for the use of the W4WVP two-meter repeater, this net is closed at [time]."

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